We help clients with their organization's most critical issues and opportunities.


Company Profile

SANHAR ABS - a world class Healthcare software and Technology company delivering solutions for paperless management of Hospitals and Healthcare institutions and being a reliable partner in Digital Transformation. Our solutions include Hospital Information Management Systems, Clinical EMR, integrated Mobility applications and Clinical Decision making systems. With Collaborations from Wolters Kluwer N.V and Lung Health, UK - domain leaders in Drug to drug interactions, Clinical Effectiveness, Clinical resource repository and Clinical decision systems as strong value propositions , SANHAR ABS delivers a compelling solution to comprehensively address all needs of a modern Healthcare ecosystem. Backed by a team of professionals with strong Hospital domain exposure and harnessing the latest in software development technologies our solutions meet privacy healthcare guidelines like HIPAA and GDPR and also adhere to standards such as HL7. Our solutions include customized deployment for ‘Hub and Spoke’ architecture in Healthcare and integrating Block Chain protocols (for added secure platforms) in accordance with JCI norms.

We also undertake bidirectional integrations for all compatible Lab equipment . Additionally integrations like SAP/ERP like ORACLE, MS Dynamics, or Tally can also be taken up. Other features of our rollout include Digital Signage and integrated communication, Digital self-service kiosks, WhatsApp/SMS integration, RFID, Biometrics etc. We help you attain complete paperless operations, Remote patient management, Insurance process integration, seamless Revenue Cycle Management etc. We also have integrated National ID authentication into our process flow for Insurance platform integration and Claim processing. Teleconsultation solutions integrated with EMR are a force multiplier for reaching out with remote patient care.


Currently, the healthcare industry is witnessing rapid changes with the expansion of digitization in both provider and payer segments, and consumerization and cost saving initiatives driving the industry. These changes have forced healthcare organizations to reassess and modernize their current systems as well as develop new business and technology capabilities.

Backed by over 30 years of commercial experience and delivery excellence, MappingTag' healthcare solutions help organizations address these challenges and become connected, smarter, and agile. Our offerings revolve around four key focus areas: healthcare reform and mandates, consumer engagement, insights-driven decision-making, and operations and cost enhancement.

healthcare img

Our delivery teams, specialists, and SMEs have developed offerings that are at the forefront of the healthcare IT market. We work with clients to ensure that they are at the cutting edge of digital, analytics, care management, gamification, and mobility services and solutions. Our offerings enable organizations to renew their business processes and realize capability upliftment while gaining integration competency.

The ongoing challenges facing the healthcare industry require immediate action and decisive insights. With a re-alignment of the market, rising costs, and regulatory watch, healthcare organizations need to:

Identify and employ original methods to build scale and infrastructure

Adopt digital platforms and tools to develop a consumer-centric market place

Create collaborative business models to drive value-based care

Our integrated solutions can enable healthcare organizations to actively focus on renewing the customer experience, derive better health outcomes, and provide cost-effective results across the entire eco-system.

contact info

want to speak with our consultant?


  • 5th Floor, Akasam Block, R.K Mission Road, Rk Beach, Visakhapatnam, Andhrapradesh - 530003, India
  • +91-9100999976 / +91-9100999972
  • sales@sanharabs.com


  • 4th Floor, Dallas Center,
    Raidurg, Hyderabad,
    Telangana-500081, India
  • +91-9100999976 / +91-9100999972
  • sales@sanharabs.com


  • 301 Wasl Business Center,
    Port Saeed, UAE
  • (+971)-54-303-4362
  • sales@sanharabs.com

South Africa

  • 10 Le Roux Avenue Halfway Gardens Midrand, 1684 Gauteng, South Africa
  • sales@sanharabs.com


  • Garden Chambers, Nairobi, Starehe District, PO Box: 13965,
    Postal code : 00400, Kenya
  • sales@sanharabs.com